What FameRep can do—and has done since 2003—is search remediation services. It’s also called Defensive SEO, Reverse SEO, Online Reputation Management (ORM), and Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM).
The long and the short of it is that our job is to push anything that you don’t like said about you and yours off of the default first ten results that show on the first page of Google, Bing, and the other lesser search engines; our goal is to continue pushing that negative content down until it’s bubbled down to the third page of Google.
This is no easy task. Getting one website that you both own and control onto the first page—to say nothing of the number-one search result—based on the keyword phrase you want your site to be associated with—is challenging enough for anyone (search is a supposedly allegedly a merit-based free market) but imagine how hard it is to effect change when you don’t have any control of any of the search results or any of the websites that come up when you search for the name, brand, company, or product that comes up with your negative search results.